Studio Policies
By participating in lessons or classes, your family agrees to the following studio poicies...

Scheduling Lessons:
Private Lessons may be scheduled Wednesday or Thursday, the last lesson of the day is 6:00PM. The time slot you confirm with me is yours for the school year.
Paying Tuition:
Payments are due monthly at the 1st lesson of the month, or if paying the full sememster due the first week of classes. Payments may be made in cash, or through paypal. Payments act as tuition and hold your spot. Multiple late payments will result in your spot being opened to other students.
Payments cover teaching time, and do not include sheet music, method books, or other tools indicated below under "materials" You are expected to aquire student materials yourself. I do on occasion pick up sheet music or method books you have been informed about in advance, and will give you the receipt at which time you can reimburse me by cash or check. I understand books can add up in expense and I will only require what I feel is necessary and productive for you. Flute students can expect to spend about $15-30 on method books every nine months to a year depending on level and progress. Annual registration fee covers things such as a studio binder, learning materials I put in the binder, teaching materials we use during lessons and classes, any recital costs, renting a pneumo pro (a wind direction practice device) from me, etc.
Cancellations, Rescheduling + Tardiness:
PLEASE, if a student has had a fever or stomach issues in the last 24 hours, DO contact me and CANCEL your lesson that week. There will not be a penalty, and my other students and I appreciate that you not "spread the love".
Each semester, if you have no absences or cancellations in the semester you will be offered a free lesson on "make up week" (see studio calendar). An "absence" means you let me know ASAP that you can not attend due to sickness or emergency. (If sickness please let me know in the morning or as soon as your child falls ill that day). Only one (1) absence can be made up per semester, and it will be made up on "make up week". Further absences will not be granted a make-up lessons. Too much homework, other extracurricular activites or forgetting to notify me about missing a class will not be granted a make up or credit. If you accumulate more than 3 abcences in one school year, you will risk dismissal from the studio so that I can give your spot to a wait-listed student.
If you’d like to reschedule a lesson (because of a scheduled conflict), contact me at least one full week before to inquire about an available time or to let me know you'd like to use "make up week". It is your responsibility to request make-up lessons with me. All make-up lessons must be scheduled and completed before the end of the same semester (or otherwise forfeited). If for some reason we can't figure out a make up time, credit will only be extended for cancellations if you've been in contact with me about it for at least 1 week prior to the cancellation. Credit will be extended if the I, the teacher, cancel the lesson.
Please be on time. If you are late to a lesson, your lesson will still end at the scheduled time and will not be made up.
Practicing is a huge part of studying music. How do people get good at any hobby, sport or passion? They do it a lot. Imagine back in kinder, learning how to read by only practicing with a teacher 30 minutes once a week-- progress would be non-existant or really slow. You are expected to practice several days a week, because you will improve more quickly by being consistent. It is my goal to equip students for independant productive practice. Independant means they know what they're supposed to do; however, parents should still be encouraging their child to get on their instrument and play! For students pre-k to 5th grade, a good rule of thumb for a minimum length of time to practice is roughly: (your age) X 2 = minutes of practice per day. Middle school students should practice at least 30 minutes daily.
Contact Information & Parent Involvement:
If you ever have any questions or concerns you would like to discuss, please don't hesitate to email me (, or text me anytime, and of course you can always talk to me in person at your lesson if you don't think it will take too long (lessons will still end on time). Parents are encouraged to inquire about student’s progress, be a part of encouraging them to practice, and help them out by acquiring indicated materials in a prompt manner. Parents are welcome to sit in at group lessons and I will sometimes even ask for their assistance with a game or activity. Parents are welcome to sit and listen in on private lessons, but I've found that 95% of the time it's a better lesson when parent isn't in eye shot of the student. I do invite a parent to "be the audience" for a couple mintues at the end of a lesson every now and then. It's fun to show off their progress!