Kinderflute is a twice a week program-- one 30 minute private lesson and one 50 minute group class. Private lessons will focus on fine tuning tone, techinque, music theory understanding, and artistic sensitivity, focusing in on the individual students needs. Group classes give students a fun way to interact, engage and learn. Group lesson plans are designed to maximize learning potential-- especially through moving the body to activate the brain! We play games to learn, practice 5 note patterns, play songs together, dance, run relays, do parachute activites and so much more. These combined enviroments for learning increase the rate of progress a student can achieve as a musician.
FREE Kinderflute Intro Classes
Try out Kinderflute for free! When Stephanie has schedule availability to create a new club (4-7 students), she'll offer several intro classes for FREE to interested students ages 6-9 (plus or minus a year depending on maturity and grade level)! Whether your interest level is "oh that may be fun" or if it is "WOW I really want my kid to play the flute!", this is a great way for you and your family to see if this program (and this teacher) is the right fit for you, and if you are a good fit for the program!
An intro class runs for two consecutive days, one hour each day. Your child will learn how to read a couple notes of music, how to form an embrouchure (shape their mouth), and will get to play a few notes on the headjoint! We will be moving around, playing games and learning about music all at the same time.
When Intro classes are being scheduled, there will be a link below for sign ups. In the meantime, if you'd like to get put on a waitlist for free intro classes, please fill out this contact form:
Waitlist for FREE Kinderflute Intro Classes